Wednesday, December 17, 2008

so one day i was walking down the street right? and i saw a polar bear!

i recently read an article from the startribune on tuesday december 16th and an interesting article hit the gaze of my eye. as i gandered in awe at the amazing words the fell before me i happen to think if there was a way to i.d. polar bears by their wiskers. as i read this article i realised that i was correct and you can i.d. a polar bear by its wiskers. Waterman quoted about the magnicifity of polar bears as follows "what's nice about polar bears is they have black skin and white fur." a harmless quote yes? but if you depict the question that he was asked it would proububly be what fasanates you about polar bears. so that got me asking myself the age old question is a zebra black with white stripes or white with black stripes? hit this post up with an answer or something vry vry vry vry vry vry vry bad will happen. like something as terrable as cleavland's foot oder.

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