Sunday, December 7, 2008

dont be such a fruit cake

alot of events happend in 1911 like the titanic sinking, first plane landed on a carrier ship, and somebody made a fruitcake?????? yup thats right Pierre Girard uncovered a fruitcake dating back before the titanic sunk. the Golden Vally resident puts it as a table decoration year after year at his anual christmas party. hes gotten responces like "im not guna touch that!" and "i wouldent allow that inside my house." but pierre says its a peice of art. he found it on a shelf in a closet on a estate-sale assessment in 1992. but boy is that thing smelly, in the interview he says that he keeps in on a plate in a plastic bag when its not out as a center peice. all in all i dont think ide keep that around or it would be on ebay or greigslist.